Tuesday, September 10, 2013

End of School / Early Summer 2012

 #3 planned his 11th birthday around a trip to MOOYAH.

 #3 graduated from fifth grade!!  I cannot believe the progress this kid has made.  He has learned, grown, and matured incredibly.  He tested out of 6th grade math and is so excited to jump right into the next level!
 We had a couple of friends with us on the last day of school.  There were several other families at the park with us, too.  We are so blessed by the friendships our kids have found!! 
 Thanks to Jinny Hinckley, we have a new tradition--a shaving cream fight to celebrate the last day of school!  Here's #5 all decked out.
 #3 helped with swim lessons and got a good workout.  #4 worked on perfecting his stroke, and #5 turned into a fish this year.
 #3 excelled at art class until he decided to postpone those lessons in favor of focusing on trumpet.
 Gram came to visit and took us all to the zoo.  We got a zoo pass out of it (thanks, MOM!!!) and have been able to go several times this summer.  We've gotten to take Lee and Max, too, giving Allie a little break from the TX heat.  My older boys are so great with little ones that it's really not hard to have extras.
 Mike took #3 up to scout camp to watch the night that #2 had the calling out ceremony for the Order of the Arrow.  Possibly my favorite picture of the entire year...
This is the effect scout camp has on #2.  This is a boy who knows how to work hard and how to play hard.  However, he saves sleeping hard until he's back home.
 Walked in on #4 helping fix #5's hair for church.  Absolutely love that they are such good friends!
 #4 gets ready to shoot BB guns at Twilight Camp (he's the one in the red and blue goggles next to the camo hat).
 #2 got a new suit.  It's silver.  Yes, you read that right.  Silver.
 I found these shirts at Kohl's, and fell in love.  :)

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