So I'm doing some serious back-tracking here. Good thing sending out a Christmas letter keeps me committed to
blogging! :)
#5's fifth birthday...his request was a pair of overalls.
#5 the week after Christmas
Mike's Aunt Dennie made hats like this one for each of our boys.
Soccer time! #5 is in the back row on the left
We camped outside...
...and inside (#4 and #5)...
...and outside some more.
#1 got working on his Eagle project, building raised beds for our local elementary.
We had back-to-school night; here's #4.
#2 had his 12th birthday.
The finished product of the Eagle project, which went incredibly well.
And more outdoor camping...
...complete with games and singing and dutch oven dinner. Mike is quite the dutch oven cook, so we love every chance we get to eat outside.
#2 and his Dad got to go to UT for general conference to attend his first priesthood session and also fit in a ton of fun in the process.
#1 also aged...the big 14!
We had two surgeries early this year--one tonsils and one sinus.
#4 also played soccer. He's in the middle here.
Homemade jam! I had forgotten that I'd ordered two flats of strawberries. When it arrived at my front door, I said, "I know what we're doin' today, Ferb!" Yeah. I've gone from quoting scripture to quoting "Everybody Loves Raymond" to quoting "Phineas and Ferb." Maybe time to quote some favorite scripture again!
#1 (in glasses) performing with his tuba
#4 (an elephant) in his school play
#s 4, 2, 1, and 3 at the Dallas, TX, LDS temple
Last day of preschool. What an immense blessing it was to teach preschool last year!! I am so grateful that the Lord helped me be brave enough to take that challenge on because I will always cherish the experience, not only because I got to know my dear friend Trisha, but also having that time with #5 (2nd from left) was just a treasure and a blessing. Plus, most of the kids left our class as beginning readers, very well prepared for kindergarten. It was gratifying to see them be so successful!
Graduation (#5 4th from left)
#4's birthday party was everything bey wheel. We even created this pinata to match the theme.
We had our third--yes, I said THIRD--flood through the ceiling. Luckily, this one was light and easy to manage.
Swim lessons galore! I barter piano for swim lessons, so we have some great swimmers in the family. This is #3 waiting for his turn to show off.
Also #3 at Twilight Camp for Cub Scouts. Mom volunteered at the crafts booth for the week and #s 3 and 4 both got to attend. Plus, Dad stayed with #3 for the Webelos campout at the end of the week.
#5 celebrates his birthday during the summer since it's only 5 days after Christmas (we just do family cake and ice cream on his actual big day), so we had a pool party.
His favorite present was this scooter, and he got right on it to practice and be prepared for KINDERGARTEN.
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