Mike turned 35!! We are officially middle-
agers. He had a dutch oven birthday. Gotta say I love the peach cobbler!

As part of the birthday celebration, each boy wore a tie with a funny pic of Dad and a saying teasing about his age.

We had lots of soccer games, with #s 2, 3, and 4 all playing on teams coached by dad. Here #3, who mostly loves to play goalie, goes on defense.

#5 hosted his first every birthday party. We're celebrating his half years since his birthday is so near Christmas, so this is 3 1/2! Camden, Johnny, Jake, and Frankie were so fun to have!

#3 created this thank you card for his teacher that he absolutely adored. It was fun because he wrote it all himself.

#1 and his Dad created stocks, a
medieval torture device, for his GT class.

Check out #3's moves!

#3 celebrated his birthday early with a trip to the aquarium, which means the whole family benefits from a year pass--Yeah!

We do our best to corrupt the neighbors by inviting their children on our skip days. Each boy who has the grades and the behavior for the year skips one day to spend with me exploring some fun activity (don't believe Noah--it really WAS fun (; ).

Ooh, the corruption...

I got the very best Mother's Day present ever...awesome because it's hilarious and because Mike remembered an off-hand comment I made at the TX Roadhouse at some point and went in search of the perfect gift.

#1 and 2 got to participate in a Primary choir and really deepened their testimonies of the Savior (#1 is far left; #2 is right behind the single boy in the 2nd row).

Always more trips to the zoo with Cam and Lee!

#1 officially turns 12. We are ridiculously proud of this responsible, caring, GOOD kid--even if he got his mom's goober-ness. :) Cheesecake is his very favorite, so Dad takes Mom and him to Cheesecake Factory for lunch.

More play dates, crafts, etc. for #5 and his friends.

#1 gets an airsoft pellet gun for his birthday, throws a "war" for his birthday, and comes home with real wounds. Good thing chicks dig scars!! #2 gets the exact same wound months later at his first "war".

#1 is super excited to go to the temple for the first time, so Mom takes the 6 (with Lee, of course) boys down to walk around and talk a little more about it. Grandpa sends some family names, so dad gets to take him for his first time shortly after his birthday.

#4 has his kindergarten Mother's Day party.
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