#5 and his friend Jake at the park. #5 is crazy social, so when brothers are not available, there are lots and lots of play dates.

We love the park in the spring. We go often to enjoy the short-lived amazing weather.

Mike seriously enjoys these boys of ours. He's had one-on-one trips with both Michael and Noah before (more than once), but this incredibly non-squeaky-wheel-type (#2) has never gone. We remedied that with a trip to camp next to the Guadelupe River, check on the drive through safari next door, explore the caves, and yes, even enjoy a trip to Sea World (#2's dream since he was little because he adores animals and wildlife).

At one point on the trip, #2 looked at Mike and said, "This trip is pretty much every boy and girl's dream."

#1 got to go to a band contest. The band got the top ratings, and the proud Dad who accompanied this tuba player on the field trip is pretty sure you can trace the excellence right back here.

#5 gets some much needed rest...hey, it's better than when #s 1 & 2 fell asleep across their new bikes!

We got to have Uncle Rob join us for Easter dinner! We love remembering on Easter about life, hope, and the Savior.

The lovely table runner for Easter dinner was handmade by Sandra.

The older boys hunted up high, while the younger ones found eggs in

After the big hunt...

Proof for Gram that we did, indeed, dye Easter eggs. Aunt Allie must be a good influence on us.

We love you, Gran!

This is one enthusiastic little jay-walker at Fire Safety Town on his kindergarten field trip! Of course, #4 does everything he ever does with gusto.

#5 also had his kindergarten program. He is supposed to be a longhorn. Since mom forgot, this is what we can up with: bunny ears with yellow horns pinned on, a motorcycle vest from Halloween with white "spots" pinned on, and black clothing borrowed from various brothers. Good thing he himself is so cute! The little girl next to him is Jessica, one of his best buddies.
A lovely little song about worms from the kindergarten program
One of the band's performances
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