#5 super hero kicks. I asked him today if he wants to do swim lessons this year (since, yes, I am writing this almost a year after it happened). He's a little nervous, which surprised me. We did, however find CARS toys to dive for. He now calls them his "sinker bobs" and feels quite happy about the swim lessons on the horizon.
#2 came as a helper for the lessons. He is diligent, patient, and great with kids. He had a great time.
This is one of my favorite of my kids' friends. Katie is fun, enthusiastic, well-mannered, inclusive, giving, etc. So of course I had to include her. :)
Love our boots!!
#5 celebrates his birthday with friends in June since it is actually so close to Christmas. Each boy gets to help decorate his cake (or make an ice cream cake--they pick). #5 wanted cars, so here is what we came up with.
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