Yes, I'm behind. No, that's not a surprise! What will be a very big surprise is how I eventually catch up! :) But for now, here's a glimpse of us on Halloween.

The whole crew

The whole crew...IN CHARACTER

#5 showing off his bat wings. Apparently the Dark Side was rubbing off on him despite Yoda's close proximity.
#4 focused on using the force of the Dark Side as Lord Vader
#3 frightening as Darth Vader
#2 dressed as Luke Skywalker in training on Degobah with Yoda
#1 as Han Solo disguised as a storm trooper

Mom as Chewy--NOT a werewolf--a werewolf is NOT worth this makeup :)

Allie made me this ROCKING ammo belt--complete with Twix bullets! Curse this cleanse!! I had to give them all away.

Dad wore this shirt striped with white duct tape.

Here's what the back of it said. He found a "future USC athlete" costume and offered to pose with her in the BEFORE & AFTER shot. She declined. Puzzling.
Okay, Eli's face is just priceless. I love Caleb's costume--my friend dressed the same, but she had her little (live) Yoda on her back in a hiking backpack. And your Chewie belt is awesome. Total props to Allie!
Perfect outfits! I especially loved the bullet belt by Allie! That ROCKS! Why wasn't Mike in his shirt?
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