Since I realized I somehow missed this in March, I thought I'd include a picture from the Kennewick Posse Reunion Trip. Rick is missing because his family was mid-move. He was missed, but these four had a blast.

We celebrated Mike's 35th birthday with a BBQ and swim with Brian and Allie. We absolutely adore Mike. No one could be more blessed than we are in their sweetheart/daddy!

#4 graduated from preschool. His award was "POCKETS" because he apparently always had a surprise in his pockets. I had never noticed! It reminds me of Hatari--love the Duke! Since then I've done more checking, and he really does always have a toy tucked in.

We had a Memorial Day flag ceremony with our scouters. We are grateful for those who serve to protect our rights.

We said goodbye to the 5 geckos we had caught. We released them into our backyard. We've only spotted one of them since, but we think that may be due to the Texas heat. Since I'm doing this update in July, it was 104 today!

Mother's Day was fun because my boys were so sweet to me. I even got my favorite breakfast--Mike's homemade french toast--AND still got to be on time to church!

#4's preschool class sang to us for Mother's Day.

#s2 and 3 made more hats for premature babies at Parkland as they finished their community service hours to achieve their black belts.

We had a very successful black belt bake sale. Thanks so much to all who supported us in learning a little about finances and responsibility as the boys earned money to pay for part of the testing fees! (Can you tell the boys did the decorating themselves?)

#1's choir had its final performance.

Hope took new family pictures for us. She had to take the kids faces from 5 different pictures and put them on this one to get it to look this good!
Zeke, distressed: Some of the pieces in this soup are entertaining.
Mom: Entertaining?
Zeke: Yes, they're entertaining, and that takes too much effort for me.
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