We spend tons of time at the zoo, but I had to include this pic because I'm pretty sure this lion wanted to eat our babies. It literally stalked them and stared and didn't move away the entire time we were there. We weren't there too long; even with the glass it was pretty unnerving to this mama.

This is #1's first suit from back in 2002.

Now my baby is wearing it. Of course, I think the cowboy boots are a fantastic addition...

This tortoise followed #5 around the entire time we were in the store. Why? The owner said he thought the green crocs were lettuce, and he was hungry! #5 was more than a little nervous.

Thanks to my dear friend Jerilyn for our amazing Christmas gift!! We spent a family night together at Strikz playing games and laser tag. #4 felt a lot better about the opportunity after we assured him that we would not play with lasers and it would not be like real life light sabers. I gotta wonder what in our history makes him think I'd put him in mortal peril for fun...

Dad coached #5 in soccer.

#4 helped with planting our square inch garden.

#5 gets more friends and more outings than any of the others did. A perk of being the baby, I guess.

Of course, he's also had more goose eggs than any of the others...

#1 made it official when he turned 13--we are now parents of a teenager! His request was pizza and a chocolate fountain. :)

#1, 2, 4, and 5 all got cowboy boots. YEEHAW!

#2 decorated his birthday cake with me after his actual day. This is a treasure chest with octopi.

#2 decided he wanted to learn the french horn!

We decorated cookies for Easter. If my memory serves me well, we also dyed eggs. If not, I'll just apologize to Gram right here and now for not giving her grandbabies all of the experiences she expects them to have. ;)