In August, we did tons of scout requirements. Here #3 enjoys the dutch oven meal he made with Dad (in our garage because TX+August+dutch ovens=YIKES hot).

#1 speaks with a hepterologist (or something like that!), a reptile care giver for his personal management merit badge. This kids LOVES snakes and would eat, sleep, and drink snakes the rest of his life if it would pay the bills!

Here #2 displays one of his projects for his Artist Activity Badge. He has absolutely been on fire since our last pack meeting, and is racking up the achievements fast.

#4 (top, standing) had his birthday. He wanted it to be a chef party because he has recently rediscovered the joys of homemade cookies. We decorated aprons, cupcakes, and chef hats, had ice cream dishes as prizes, and special treats Zeke helped make as favors.

Here are the favors #4 designed. He always, always, ALWAYS has something in his pockets. So this was the perfect favor for my little chef--legos for boys, nail polish for girls, all in a cookie "pocket."

We adore the Dallas World Zoo Aquarium, especially their BIG fish tank with 2 manatees and a fish that has adapted living in watering holes that sometimes dry up outside the rainy season and now sometimes comes up for air (my kids would be so incensed that I don't remember its name!) and the shark tunnel, shown above (cousin, 2, 4, 3, 5, 1 left to right).

More from the road trip--Mike and I loved the trip to Gilroy without kids thanks to Gram. The sunglasses, shirt, and vest are some of the loot we snapped up.

We really enjoyed this little car museum along our route.

Can you tell how HOT it was at the Grand Canyon? Still, it was Dad's first time, and we loved it. We even saw two bucks and a moose as we drove through.

These two, and especially #4, were explorers. They wanted to hike and climb and go right to the edge. I do not exaggerate in saying that I had to NOT watch from the car so that I wouldn't be stressed and mad at Mike for how close they got to the edge.

Lots and lots of cousin time as well. Here the boys spent the night with Ethan in a tent in the backyard.