We did a TON of swimming--very unusual for a mom who's very nervous with kids in water. I think this year marked the beginning of a new era. I now have 3 strong swimmers and 1 who knows his limits!

We loved swim lessons with Mrs. Ruth. We took for 4 weeks, so we got to do a LOT of work outs.

#5 even decided he could live with having to do a back float.

#5 absolutely loves the temple. He asks all the time to go there. One afternoon, mom and dad took him for a special trip all by himself.

We love the feeling of calm and peace we get even just on the grounds of the temple and recognize those feelings as being from the Spirit of the Lord. We loved a chance to help #5 recognize those feelings, too.

We redid #1 and #3's room in blues, greens, and purples. Here #3 shows #5 the magnetic aquarium he created to help decorate his room.

This seems to be a LeBaron family tradition--each of our boys has put both legs in one whole when trying to learn to dress himself. We've always cracked up about the skirt it creates. This time #4 even joined #5 because he thought the "tail" was pretty cool--#4 even used LONG pj pants!

We have a tradition the week before school (and spring break) of giving the boys a budget and a calendar and letting them plan. We hope this teaches some awareness both of budgeting and of time management. This year our fun was cut short because mom got sick. We did manage a little "Christmas in August" at the Dollar Store and caroling to some friends with treats.

Thanks to an amazing mom of #2's friend, he got even more scout requirments done (this is a fish carved from soap).

And during mom's sickness we played a LOT of monopoly. Hey, budgeting awareness, right? :)

Mom even rallied for a trip to the zoo on Friday.

Back-to-school was hard on mom this year. #4, who has been her little buddy and entertainment and fan, started kindergarten. Combine that with missing #s 1, 2, and 3, and it was a pretty lonely day! This is one mom that loves summertime and having everybody home and getting to choose our schedule and...

#5 even wanted to go along. Mom made it through everything without tears until during a quiet--and I mean QUIET--breakfast with this little guy, he kept asking for his brothers back.

#1 started MIDDLE SCHOOL!

Watching the middle school bus turn the corner may have been the most gut-wrenching moment of the day. Mike cracked up as I took pictures because there just wasn't anything else to do about it.

#4 was incensed when Dad showed up to drive them home from school. As a big kid, he should definitely be allowed to WALK home, shouldn't he? Good thing #2 was a good enough sport to walk with him--it was incredibly hot that day!

Happy reunion at the end of the first day of school...We finally got all our brothers back!!