#1 got his Arrow of Light and his Super Scouter (not the right term...can't think of it right now...)--which means he earned every badge available to a Webelos. That's doubly impressive because Webelos is designed as a 2 year program, but our church does it in one year. He also crossed over into Boy Scouts! He's growing up WAY too fast!

Gram made #4 this adorabe sweater, complete with hood. Can't wait till it gets cold again!

Mike was so brave on Michael's birthday that he took this whole gang on the DART on the way home. Since SOMEONE had to get the van back, I took one for the team and drove with a tired, silent #5.

Michael had his birthday party excursion to the zoo. This was a game that fascinated many people during our few minutes in the children's zoo. You match the rubber droppings to the picture of the animal they'd come from. Our little cousin was so interested that he actually tasted several of the rubber samples. :)

We had an indoor family campout.

This is Easter dinner, which we might not have had if Allie didn't insist and do all the hard part, since Mike was out of town...

#1 participated in his first martial arts tournament. #2 went to watch and support. All had a grand time, and it was a good learning experience.

I helped give our cousin his very first haircut!

One of my closest and dearest friends in the world passed away. This is a memory table of Arlene Moultrie. She was a lifting influence in my life, and I loved her dearly. I'm so grateful that I've prayed about and am sure of my testimony and of the Plan of Salvation to know she is near and happy.

I got to spend a few days with my dear friends, the Moultries, in Utah. What an amazing family! It was wonderful to be with them, though we missed Arlene so much.

#2 got his brackets on. Barely 9 years old: 2 jaw expanders, head gear, brackets, and counting.

We died Easter eggs. #5 might be as amazed as Gram that mom braved the mess.

Mike and his sister, Kristi, surprised Nan and Pops and Rob with a special Easter weekend visit! They did some volunteering, eating, laughing, and just hanging out. They had a blast.
Quote of the month:
With Aunt Allie at the pet store, Zeke put his head against the puppy cage. One came over and began licking the glass where Zeke's face was.
Zeke: All right. Get him out so we can take him home.
Allie: Ummm...no, you're mom's allergic.
Zeke: But he CHOSE me!
Luckily for Mike, I wasn't along--we might have a new pet if I had been.