Someone made Dad's breakfast green for St. Patrick's Day! He had a hard time eating the eggs since we couldn't tell when they were done given the new color. Good thing he's a good sport...

#1 and #2 went with Mom and Dad to see the musical "The Pajama Game" at the Majestic Theater in downtown Dallas. We had a great time, even if the boys all decided they couldn't understand why mom likes stories about love. We watched for pink blushing cheeks, but didn't see much of that...although #2 was pretty glued through the binoculars when Babe and Sid kissed!

#5 is in love with trains! We've missed the obsession of #1, so #5 and mom had a great time building this fantabulous track.
We were doing our grateful game at Easter Dinner (going through the alphabet to name something we're thankful for with each letter). When it came to Eli's turn, he had the letter U.
Michael answered for him: Eli's thankful for a Uterus because otherwise he wouldn't be here!
Mom: Oooooooookay. Michael, you're on V.
Brian: Oh, no!