This month #4 had rodeo day at preschool. The belt buckle and boots are my favorite parts!

#2 got head gear. He spent an afternoon trying to figure out whether his lips should go in front of or behind the metal. He couldn't wait to show his friends!
It turns out that loving Martial Arts is contagious. Here #5 is feelin' the luv.

#5 got his first haircut. Mom followed him around for days with scissors trying to fix the little spots she missed working on our busiest 2 year old ever. Maybe that's why he's learned to love martial arts? Could be he needed a little security in his life?

#4 is learning to write. We're grateful he chose a washable car instead of the wall, things at church, or frosting of a special cake mom's making. Isn't it great having things to compare to?
#4 is our giddily happy child. Even when he wants to be mad with all his heart, it proves a little difficult for him.