Our last post just included early December for a reason--we were planning a wonderful visit from Mom+Dad Lamoreaux, Ann+Adam, and Allie+Brian and knew that we'd have tons to share from our adventures. We had a fun-filled time doing all sorts of activities and are all exhausted now that we are back on routine.

We had a roarin' game of kick ball. There were moments of sheer glory involved.

#2 and Mom learned how to flip on the trampoline.

We loved watching Bolt and laughing out loud both at the movie and the boys' responses.

The weather was amazing--mostly in the 70s. We spent lots of time in the backyard. And Annie, who is a sucker for little ones, spent a lot of time pulling these two around in the wagon.

On New Year's Eve we decorated two gingerbread trains with Gram and Allie.


We also watched the boys do a martial arts presentation after which Dad presented #1 with the belt display he made.

Mmm...Roadhouse. Butterfly filet. 'Nough said.

#2 managed to talk Gram into shrimp for breakfast...twice...much to our chagrin.

#5 turned 2!! He adores sheshes (horsies) and goggies (doggies), so this was one of the highlights of Grandpa taking us to Gatti Town on his big day.

This is #5's new "baby" posing with him at Gatti Town.

We always love a chance to get to the temple to worship. This was a special session having so many of our family together. We missed the absentees, though!

More fun time outside. We spent most afternoons in the backyard, especially while Grandpa worked on our weather stripping and refinishing our back door frame!
Now add in lots of knitting, crocheting, treats, wii (even a bloody nose for #4 when he was learning to lift the steering wheel to jump!), shopping, walnut cake, etc. and you'd have a pretty good picture of our last two weeks. Wish you were here! ;)
Quote of the update:
Seriously hard to choose this time, but...
#2: Mom, why do you always hold the yarn up to your nose and say, "it's a yard"?
Mom: It's a pretty good estimate.
#2: Oh. I thought they scented it at a yard.