We spent a week enjoying the Lamoreaux Family Reunion.Highlights were the Tide Pools (except having the window smashed and my purse--with driver's license--stolen), Upper Crust Pizza, San Francisco Zoo, bounce house & snow cone machine, girl time (GILROY!), a dinner at Pedro's (my all time favorite restaurant because it's where my dad always took me when I got him to myself), movie time, tie dyed and embroidered shirts, Mario Kart, and swimming!
We also got to spend the next week with my folks (and part with my sister, Em).
Highlights were mini-golf with Grandpa, NASA museum with Gram, the incredible Redwood Forest, the Lego store, swim time--complete with ice cream stocked freezer next to the pool, bike riding, and the splash park in Turlock. I even got some one-on-one time with Grandpa, Gram, and Em.
Plus, we hit the Jelly Belly Factory on our way to Em's house!
Then we took our time driving home.
Highlights were visiting Ridgecrest, CA, where Caleb was born and we have many dear friends (unfortunately, it was only for an hour or two, so we missed most of them!), getting to visit with the boys Lamoreaux great-grandparents, Hoover Dam, the Grand Canyon, Albuquerque (one of my first homes), the modern art Cadillacs, driving on Route 66, and lots of prizes, games, and songs along the way.
Because I'm able to swap piano lessons for swim lessons, all 5 boys took 4 weeks of swim lessons this year (plus 2 weeks of mom and me for #s 4 & 5). Wonderful workout for the older 3, and the progress of the younger 2 was amazing. Thanks, Miss Ruth!
#4: "Mom, there's a lot of sand out there!"I love our family's blog. It's a detailed journal so that I can look back and remember. But even Mike can't take time to read it all! So we've decided to create a shorthand with updates maybe once a month of special or unique goings on.